Energy meeting in the whit Eric S. Cohan, US Consul General, Rebecca Bornstein and Alejandro Meléndez, Political and Economic Affairs. Eng. Adrian Carrillo, CFE Superintendent in Cd. Juárez and Victor Saenz, Founding President of the Chihuahua Energy Cluster, CECH. Dr. Tomás Limones, Director of Dr. Carlos Yates, President of the Chihuahua Energy Cluster with the objective of Review and provision to support the development of binational projects with a focus on sustainability and renewable energies among the productive and sectors of the region.
Impulso de Políticas Públicas (T-MEC)
El Clúster de Energía de Chihuahua (CECH) busca fortalecer la competitividad de la industria local y de manufactura bajo el esquema de la “Triple Hélice: Academia, Industria y Gobierno”.
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